
Growing Strong

His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us. — 2 Peter 1:3 How can we ...

Happy Thanksgiving!: The Right Attitude

Now, our God, we give You thanks, and praise Your glorious name. — 1 Chronicles 29:13 The Pilgrim Fathers who landed at Plymouth to settle in what became the United ...

Subtle Suffering

You may never be called upon to suffer physically because you are a believer in Jesus Christ. However, there is more to suffering than physical pain; there is more to ...

Don't Doubt the Devil

The God of peace will crush Satan under your feet shortly. — Romans 16:20 Who is responsible for the infamy, terror, and agony that we see all around us? How ...

Angels Are for Real

Speculation about the nature of angels has been around since long before Queen Victoria’s time, and it continues down to the present time. Yet through revelation in the Bible God ...

Where Is Jesus? The Foot of the Empty Cross

Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. — Acts 4:12 What is the ...

Free Resources

Your waiting is not wasted when waiting on the Lord!

Your waiting is not wasted when waiting on the Lord!

Join the free Christmas Bible Study with Pastor Louie Giglio and get access to 4 study videos with Pastor Louie, bonus Advent resources, and session 1 of the study guide. Let's prepare our hearts to greet December 25th with joy, peace, hope, and refreshed promise in our newborn King. Study starts 12/4!

The parenting course you've been waiting for!

The parenting course you've been waiting for!

Get lifetime access to 6 video Bible study lessons from Andy & Sandra Stanley, plus bonus resources and access to the online community with every study guide purchase! Parenting is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. Go through this new parenting study with our online community at your own pace.