
Burying the Hatchet: The Offending Party

Every broken relationship has an offending party. True reconciliation calls for a repentant heart on their part, a change of mind, a turn-around, a going back to someone with an ...

Indescribable: The Scoop on Skin and A Hairy Situation

Editor’s note: Indescribable, Louie Giglio’s popular devotional for kids about God and science is so fascinating that adults are buying it for themselves! Packed with Scripture and fantastic data about ...

Christmas Traditions That Keep Christ In Christmas

“The virgin will conceive and give birth to a Son, and they will call Him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”). – Matthew 1:23 Every year, as my husband and ...

Celebrate Advent with Your Family: 3 Simple Tips for Celebrating Advent with Children

Advent is coming soon for Christians around the world, but do you really know what Advent is? Advent is the season of waiting for Christmas. It begins on the fourth ...

Keeping Christ in Christmas: 5 Easy, Intentional Ideas

Christ-focused Christmas I was just telling a friend how I haven’t been in a very festive mood. It’s not that I don’t like celebrating, it’s just that my kids have ...

The Theology of Gratitude

Editor’s note: Anxiety can overwhelm every single one of us. In his book, Calm Your Anxiety, Robert Morgan (who is a fellow sufferer) shares how to deal with anxiety as ...

Peace That Conquers

Editor’s note: Dr. Charles Stanley, beloved pastor and preacher who passed away in April of 2023, spent his lifetime exhorting others to trust in God… a challenge for all of ...

The Tabernacle and the Temple

EXODUS 25:1–9 / EPHESIANS 2:19–22 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full ...

Talkin’ to God

Editor’s note: We’ve heard her sing. We all know that famous smile and red hair. Now, country music’s Reba McEntire shares her secret to the best things in life — ...

Cover Your Child with Prayer = God’s Presence

A note from author Jodie Berndt on why she journals her prayers: “I’ve kept a journal for as long as I can remember. It’s the place I record scriptural insights ...

The Platform of Love

Editor's note: If you've ever had an In-N-Out burger, you know their dedication to serving really delicious fast food. This year is the 75th anniversary — 75 years of Double Doubles, shakes, ...

Stop Giving CPR to Dead Situations

Editor's note: Pastor Kim (also known as Real Talk Kim) says it how it is. She's full of spunk and Jesus and she loves to share the joy and hope ...

The Myth: True Success Is Always Doing More

The Myth: On Saturday, I went to my cousin’s high school graduation party. One of my aunts asked me what I had been up to lately. She knows I am ...

Late-Night Prayer Sessions

Editor’s note: Emily Ley’s new book Near the Night is a perfect read especially for those of us who struggle with sleep. These meditations on God’s peace and rest will ...

Sink Your Teeth into This

Editor’s note: Louie Giglio’s popular devotional for kids about God and science is so fascinating that adults are buying it for themselves! Packed with scripture and fantastic data about everything ...

Perfection: No One Is Expecting Me to Be Perfect

Editor’s note: Emily Ley’s new book Near the Night is a perfect read especially for those of us who struggle with sleep. These meditations on God’s peace and rest will ...

Free Resources

Your waiting is not wasted when waiting on the Lord!

Your waiting is not wasted when waiting on the Lord!

Join the free Christmas Bible Study with Pastor Louie Giglio and get access to 4 study videos with Pastor Louie, bonus Advent resources, and session 1 of the study guide. Let's prepare our hearts to greet December 25th with joy, peace, hope, and refreshed promise in our newborn King. Study starts 12/4!

The parenting course you've been waiting for!

The parenting course you've been waiting for!

Get lifetime access to 6 video Bible study lessons from Andy & Sandra Stanley, plus bonus resources and access to the online community with every study guide purchase! Parenting is hard, but you don't have to do it alone. Go through this new parenting study with our online community at your own pace.